Submit Your Free Pattern or Tutorial
Want to share a free pattern or tutorial you've created? would love to take a look at your work. Designers whose patterns we feature typically get 5000 - 10,000 clicks and are viewed by over 100,000 quilters and over 400 quilt stores! Please fill out the form below completely, and thank you so much for sharing. Please Note: projects will not be considered unless they are totally free. For patterns, they should be downloadable as a PDF and printable at 100% size so your measurements will be accurate. We prefer not to feature projects that require the use of a specific tool, but if you want to mention how much you loved the way a notion or tool helped with a project, that is fine.
I featured my pattern on and immediately saw results. My website traffic increased and we began selling as many patterns in one day as we previously would sell in a 3-day period. The best part about being featured on a website that gets hundreds of thousands of visitors was the extra exposure for our designs.
-- Amy Hamberlin
(Kati Cupcake)