Block Nine: Flamingo Gardens, Florida
and Second Bonus Block: Repeat of Block 2
Welcome to the third year of our exclusive Free Mystery Block of the Month by Pat Sloan! This year Pat's theme is 'The Secret Garden'. With Block 9 Pat travels down to Sunny Florida! The past blocks and supply list are here.
Pat's Video Tutorial
Watch the video as Pat gives explains the bonus block & has Sneak PEEK of her next fabric line! The Bonus is a repeat of Block #2 with different color placement.
Download Secret Garden BOM Materials List and This Month's Block Pattern!
Click Here to download the PDF of Pat's materials list for the BOM. NOTE: If the document doesn't display properly for you, there may be a problem with your browser's PDF viewer. From the viewer window, there is a download button that will let you save the PDF to your computer, where you will be able to view and print it just fine.
Click Here to download the PDF of the pattern for Block Nine: Flamingo Gardens, Florida
Find Previous Secret Garden BOM Here
PLEASE NOTE - Download the supply list here if you are using Colorway 1 fabrics. Pat switched the position of a few fabrics for that specific fabric collection for future blocks. If you are not using that fabric collection if does not affect you.
Visit Pat's page for a few additional fun insider tips and to share a photo of your block at her quilt show!
Pat Sloan on Block Nine and Last Bonus Block
I love doing the blocks in two colorways so you can see how different fabric placements change up a block. I might venture that Block 9 is my favorite! I can see a whole quilt of these as those corners will make secondary designs. If you do a quilt of them, send me a photo!
If you are looking for kits for either colorway I'm doing, click on our list of shops to contact. Some have told me they have few kits left, lucky you!
With the nice large 16.5” x 16.5”, we will have a fun lap size quilt when done! With the bonus blocks, we have a 3 x 4 structured block layout. The layout diagram is at the end of the pattern.
Please read on to learn about the garden...
Some history from their website,
“The Garden was originally founded as Flamingo Groves, a citrus orchard, in 1927 by Floyd L. and Jane Wray. The Wrays came to Florida in 1925 and were deeply intrigued with the horticultural possibilities of the subtropical locale. They purchased 320 acres of land around and including Long Key in the Everglades. On January 2, 1927, Floyd L. Wray incorporated Flamingo Groves, beginning what was to become one of the first botanical gardens and tourist attractions in South Florida.”
The neat part is that the garden is still very large and the original Wray Home is on the property. It was built in 1933 as the weekend residence of Floyd and Jane. I love that it has been restored so you can see a glimpse into life in South Florida in the 1930s.
I’ve had a fascination with ‘the pink birds’ for a long time! They are incredibly beautiful in person and BIG! I always forget how big they are.
When I went looking for the photos of the trip I realized how LONG ago it was! I’ve been traveling to Florida to teach quilting classes and give talks for many years. If your group or local shop wants to invite me to teach, see my info! http://patsloan.typepad.com/pat_sloans_events/workshops.html
Learn more about the Flamingo Garden in FL, you know I really love the history of these gardens Plus… they are on 3750 S. Flamingo Rd.. what a perfect name!
Visit the Garden in Davie, FL http://www.flamingogardens.org/
Come over to my article to see where we went first.. it was DIVINE! And share a photo of your block at my quilt show!
More from Pat - Visit My Posts About Our Mystery Block of the Month!
Visit my post and share a photo of your block at my quilt show!
Click here for my page about this block for our Secret Garden Mystery BOM
Visit the shops that are hosting the Mystery and selling the kits! If you own a shop and would like to offer this BOM, join our Participating Shop mailing list!
Join Pat at her quilting classroom on Facebook called Quilt with Pat Sloan. Share your mystery quilt! You can also join FreeQuiltPatterns.info on Facebook and join in on the active group commentary on FQP posts, tutorials, patterns, and videos you see on the site daily.
We have a Flickr page for sharing photos. Click the link below to go to the group page and become a group member for free, then you will be able to upload pictures of your own materials selections and the blocks that you create throughout the BOM.
Click Here for the Flickr Group
If we have not met yet... it's super nice to know you!... Click here to learn about me.
You can find all the places I hang out at my home page, it's my name: