FREE Video - Free Motion Quilt Pebbles and Echoes in a Basket Block by Leah Day
Leah Day has a comprehensive video series on free motion quilting techniques as part of her Building Blocks quilt series, and today's video shows you how to add nice texture to your quilt in the form of pebbles and echoes. Learn how Leah applies this technique on her basket block. More from Leah:
"When quilting this basket block, I broke it up into three sections: the triangle basket, the background, then the handle. Filling the triangle basket with Pebbling will probably be the most time consuming part of this design. I didn't mark this part of the design because it was easy enough to free hand quilt and fill the pebbles organically through the space.
"I did mark the background and basket handle circles because these designs needed to finish exactly as they were drawn on the pattern. I definitely didn't want the background echoes to end up super wobbly as that would have been really noticeable around the basket shape.
"The trickiest part of the design will be the basket handle. Make sure to watch the video below to get tips on free motion quilting through this section slowly and carefully for the best results."
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Please Note: Leah's pattern for this project is not free. Today's feature is about her quilting technique for pebbles and echoes. Enjoy!
Visit the Website: Free Motion Quilting
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