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FREE Running in Circles Quilt Tutorial by Amanda Jean

This charming and cozy looking quilt is a delightful project for any level of quilter.  It comes to us frm Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts in her wonderfully detailed comprehensive tutorial.  More from Amanda Jean:

"I really, really hope that I've taken the fear out of piecing curves, because it's not that hard. I hope you try it and have fun with it! A huge thank you to my neighbor Marcia, for letting me use her templates AND for taking the time to teach me this method. Plus, she was kind enough to let me share all her handy dandy tips with all of you. Thanks Marcia!

"Disclaimer: I realize that there are special curved piecing feet for your sewing machine. (Haven't tried them.) I also realize that there are no pinning methods. (I tried one method and hated it.) This is simply one way to piece curves, but it's worked for me beautifully. So, while this isn't the ONLY way to do it, it is the method that I would recommend."

- Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts

Dimensions - 56" x 70" (142cm x 178cm)

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Crazy Mom Quilts


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