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FREE Tutorial - Quilting Tips from an Expert - Linda Hrcka

Whether you are learning the ropes as a quilter or whether you're an expert yourself, good advice on the art is always a wonderful thing, and today's post is full of excellent advice!  Linda Hrcka of The Quilted Pineapple is a truly gifted artist, both as a quilt designer and as an award-winning quilter.  We wish we had more room to the side for more pics of her work, but please check out the Eye Candy section of her site and prepare for tons of oohs and aahs.  We don't know about you, but someone capable of work like this is someone from whom we would treasure getting advice, so please enjoy!  More from Linda:

"How do I come up with quilt designs?" " I receive this question by far the most often. It is also the question I ask myself every time I start on a new top. "What I am going to quilt on this?? This is still the hardest part of quilting for me. For some quilters this is the easy part, well not for me!  Each new top is like the first day on a new job for me. I always empathize with newbie quilters that ponder that question.

"My suggestions...start looking for inspiration..." Read More

More Tutorials: Linda's Tutorials Page

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The Quilted Pineapple

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