Block Five: London, England
Welcome to our fifth block from Pat Sloan in her FREE 2014 Mystery BOM! For May Pat is taking us jolly olde London, England! This month's block was inspired by the Piccadilly Circus part of the city. So don your favorite jacket, grab up your umbrella, and let's stroll on over and take a look at the resources Pat has put together for you this month, and feel free to share on Flickr after you create YOUR block!
Download BOM Materials List and Block Five Pattern!

I've been to London twice, both times I was in high school in the 70s. I love the hip 60/70s London with pop art, funky clothings, and the sound of the Beatles plays through my head! I have a list of places to visit again, and one of them is London. As an adult I'm sure I'll see the city in a whole new way!
Scroll down to watch my video about the block!
Inspiration from Historic Piccadilly Circus

Here are the two blocks, the blue and white is with Clothworks fabric Everything Blue. The Red and Grey is my Bobbins and Bits from from Moda
(Picadilly Circus, circa 1962. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.)
Pat's Video for Block Five
More from Pat on Block Five

I highly recommend that with dark/light quilts you prewash your fabric. I don't want any tears later when you wash that quilt and it runs blue onto white ..eep! The step of prewashing can be done quickly and then you are ready to rock and roll.

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Visit Her Website: Quilty Pleasures
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