Block Eight: Paris, France
What world travel spree would be complete without the City of Love, Paris, France? This month Pat relives her youth in Europe and the times she visited the city of lights with a wonderful block. So stroll along with us as we add this next-to-last piece to the great puzzle, and be sure to share your blocks in the Flickr group! But first, feel free to download the pattern and if you missed it, the materials list:
Download BOM Materials List and Block Eight Pattern!
Click Here to download the PDF of Pat's materials list for the BOM. NOTE: If the document doesn't display properly for you, there may be a problem with your browser's PDF viewer. From the viewer window, there is a download button that will let you save the PDF to your computer, where you will be able to view and print it just fine.
Click Here to download the PDF of the pattern for Block Eight: Paris.
Pat Sloan on Block Eight
You knew this was coming didn't you? Paris France, what woman wouldn't put Paris on her travel agenda? I have been to Paris twice, both times I was a teenage girl living in Belgium. Both times I took the train into the city. The first time was very magical. I went with three other girls and we had a hotel for two nights. We walked the city, I bought a scarf that I still have somewhere. We bought skirts in a back alley kind of place so that we could say 'oh yes.. I bought this skirt in Paris'!
We didn't have much money, so food was pretty basic, but I do believe my love of French Onion soups started on this trip as that was one thing we could afford when we sat down in a restaurant.
Scroll down to watch my video about the block!
Inspiration from the City of Love, Paris, France
Going back to Paris as an adult is high on my list. I want to see the city with a different eye. I'd also like to be there for a week or so .. to really absorb the atmosphere and take my time. Until that happens, I have decided to collect Paris themed fabric, but it HAS to have the Eiffel tower on it.
Please pop over to my blog to see what I'm up to.. I share a bit more there about Paris!
Click here for my blog.
Above are the two blocks, the blue and white is with Clothworks fabric Everything Blue. The Red and Grey is my Bobbins and Bits from from Moda.
Pat's Video for Block Eight: Paris
More from Pat on Block Eight
I highly recommend that with dark/light quilts you prewash your fabric. I don't want any tears later when you wash that quilt and it runs blue onto white ..eep! The step of prewashing can be done quickly and then you are ready to rock and roll.
Many of you have joined me at my quilt group on Facebook called Quilt with Pat Sloan. We are sharing our Globetrotting blocks and MUCH MORE! Everyone has been showing the quilts they are working on, asking for help and advice, and having more fun than you can have at any spot on Facebook.. so join me by clicking the link above.
We have a Flickr page for sharing photos. Click the link below to go to the group page and become a group member for free, then you will be able to upload pictures of your own materials selections and the blocks that you create throughout the BOM.
Click Here for the Flickr Group
If we have not met yet... it's super nice to know you!... Click here to learn about me.
You can find all the places I hang out at my home page, it's my name:

Visit Her Website: Quilty Pleasures
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